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Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

1 Hit World Boss (CE) Update

Tools: Cheat Engine

1. buka ninja saga kalian
2. buka hounting house dan pilih bosnya dan attack
4. buka CE 5.6.1 buka gambar komputer kecill dipojok kiri atas pilih sesuai apa yg anda pakai buat cheat, lalu pilih 4 bytes
5. masukkan jumlah HP sibos itu dikotak scan
nih jumlah darah si bos:
~ ginkotsu : 7293
~ shikigami yanki : 12760
~ gedho sesso seki: 27950
~ wind tengu :12052
~ tengu fire : 15819
~ byako : 75816
~ ape king : 90720
~ battle turtle :132800
~ soul general mutoh :186000
6. setelah itu keluar beberapa address
7. kembali ke NS...serang boss...
8. kembali ke CE lg...cari address yg value-nya brkurang...
9. jika sdh menemukan address yg value-nya sdh berkurang...jgn gnti value tsb..
10. ganti value address yg dibawah-nya jd 0

contoh: lawan Ape King (setelah boss diserang ada value yg berubah)
01F68D00,,,,,,,,,88407 ---------------> jgn ganti value ini krn psti error
04A0BB21,,,,,,,,,90720 ---------------> ganti value ini jd 0

11. setelah value-nya diganti...serang boss...
12. dan liatlah hasilnya...

nah...silahkan dicoba...



Tools: Cheat Engine

1. open your ninja saga
2. open house hunting and select the boss and battle...
4. open CE 5.6.1 and select process with u'r browser...then Value Type: 4 bytes
5. enter the amount of HP boss was boxed scan
This amount of HP the boss:
~ Ginkotsu: 7293
~ Shikigami yanki: 12760
~ Gedho sesso Seki: 27950
~ Wind mite: 12052
~ Mite fire: 15819
~ Byako: 75816
~ Ape king: 90720
~ Battle turtle: 132800
~ Soul General mutoh: 186000
6. after it came out a few addresses
7. back to the NS ... attack the boss ...
8. back to the CE again ... looking for the address of its value diminished ...
9. if it finds the address of its value has been reduced ... do not change these values ...
10. change reply address below value to 0

For example: opponent Ape King (after the boss is attacked there is value has changed)
Address,,,,,,,,,,,, Value
01F68D00,,,,,,,,,88407 --------------> do not change this value or u will get error
04A0BB21,,,,,,,,,90720 ---------------> change this value to 0

11. after its value is replaced ... attack the boss ...
12. and see the results ...

please try ...

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